今年もヒンドゥー教徒のお祭りタイプーサムに参加してきました(2014年→⭐︎ 2015年→⭐︎)。水筒の麦茶がお湯に変わるほど灼熱の中、丘の上のヒンドゥー寺院に参拝しました。西日本に大寒波が押し寄せたこの日、夫は娘を抱っこしたまま登って降りて汗だくになりました。
I joined Hindu Festival, Thaipusam in Penang this year too(2014 topic→⭐︎ 2015→⭐︎). On that day whereas cold wave passed over western Japan, it was boiling hot in Penang. I climbed Waterfall Hilltop temple to pray for happiness with my family. My husband was all sweaty since he climbed up and down carrying his 10kg daughter.
start point to climb around 500 steps to reach the top
start point to climb around 500 steps to reach the top
human jam around the top
Kids gave me smile during jam.
inside of the temple
Devotee has his back pierced with hocks