
手作りままごとキッチン/DIY play kitchen

This is a DIY play kitchen for my daughter`s 1st birthday present. Dresser with sink is made of duckboards and bookshelves painted with white color. She was so exited to play it, and finally took her first steps. That`s a special moment for me. 

1歳の誕生日/Happy 1st Birthday

The other day my daughter turned 1 year old.

I made both a birthday yogurt cake and a baby meal plate for this special day.

She ate them by hands. She looked fun!

We celebrated isshoumochi ceremony and erabitori event. She crawled carrying 2 kg rice cakes on her back. In erabitori event, she chose wallet without hesitation.  Wallet means to become rich in the future. Is this true? 


ガパオライス/Phad Bai Gaprao Mu Sap Rat Kao

I made well-known Thai cuisine, Phad Bai Gaprao Mu Sap Rat Kao with Sweet Basil. The authentic taste is not with Sweet Basil, but with Holy Basil. I`ll try it again. 


雛祭り/Doll`s Festival


On 3rd March we celebrated the Doll`s Festival party and wished our daughter growth and happiness. 

ハンドメイド/handmade sewing crafts

These are my handmade sewing crafts. Drawstrings of two sizes and an object of number "1".


水遊び/playing in the water

My daughter turned 11 months old. She went into infant pool with the clothes on.

You`ve grown up!

ケーキブッフェ@FIP LOUNGE/coffe and cake buffet@FIP LOUNGE

先週末、シャングリラ・ラサ・サヤンの中にあるFIP LOUNGEのケーキブッフェに行ってきました。広々とした室内で子どもを遊ばせられるので、夫婦でまったりできました。コーヒーと紅茶、10種類のケーキ・スコーンがおかわり自由で大人は40++RM(詳細はコチラ→)。

Last weekend I went to cake buffet offered by FIP LOUNGE, Shangri-La`s Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa Penang. My husband and me could relax chatting and eating. My daughter enjoyed moving around inside the clean and spacious lounge. They served 10 types of cakes and scones with free flow tea and coffee. Price ; 40++RM per adult. (Look at shop info→)

You can lie down on the big cushion at lounge room.

Wow, Gorillar !!!